Step 1: Install ELSA Speak application on your mobile devices from the App Store or Google Play Store.
Availability: ELSA Speak is a mobile app that can only used on phones/tablets of iOS or Android operating system. Currently, ELSA is not supported for web browsers/computers/laptops.
- Click here to install the app if you use an Apple device.
- Click here to install the app if you use an Android device.
Step 2: Open the ELSA application on your device. Choose Log in or Sign Up > choose one of the 4 options (Apple, Google, Facebook, Email) to log in depending on how you initially registered your account.

Note: There are 5 ways to create an ELSA account (with email and password, Facebook, Google, Apple ID and SSO). You need to choose the correct login credential that your account was registered initially.
For example: if you registered your account by Facebook but now log in by email and password, the system will not recognize your account credentials.
- Sign In with an Email and password
- Sign In with Facebook
- Sign in with Google
- Sign In with Apple (for Apple devices)
- Sign In with SSO (Only for B2B users)
If you cannot remember your account login credentials, please contact us at [email protected] and provide the receipt of payment.