Frequently Asked Questions

Reasons to study to choose ELSA Speak for English improvement?

ELSA Speak is a special and unique app that can help you correct pronunciation errors to each syllable thanks to the use of Artificial Intelligence and proprietary voice recognition, voted as the top 5 applications. In addition, ELSA was rated by Forbes as one of four companies that use A.I. to change the world. With ELSA, you can finally overcome the thick accent caused by your native language and speak English fluently, just like a native American speaker!

The highlights of ELSA you might consider are:

  • Reasonable price
  • Handy: You can study with ELSA anytime, anywhere. 
  • Accurate: Many language centers focus on writing and grammar but often give little attention to speaking. ELSA’s sole focus is on forming a strong foundation and understanding of American pronunciation & speech patterns, thereby significantly improving your articulation and diction. ELSA’s A.I evaluate your pronunciations with the highest accuracy, identify any errors made, and provide advice to correct them.

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